Imagining a world where the power of healing
can be carried anywhere
Lucha T8 is more than a tech start-up finding new scientific applications. Pushing forward a new way of living for people, we’re working to actualize a world where everyone can live free of fatigue, pain, and stress—and instead discover more energy for their modern lives, in harmony with nature’s frequencies.
Making calmness a lifestyle
By creating a small, wearable device that anyone can wear as an accessory, our mission is to make healing and relaxation a conscious choice for our society.
Humans, becoming transmitters
Our lofty vision is to discover within humans the untapped powers of our being—to be sources of light that can transmit to those who recognize it, and be inspirations to the
Fostering real communities
Following our mission and vision, we created a Luncha T8 community that brings people together with mindful, connective events. Having a place where people of all ages can connect over a higher quality of life and share their daily self-work, is the beginning of what we dream will be a large-scale trend.
Set to grow worldwide
As of today, Lucha is currently available in 6 markets—with set plans to grow. In the next few years, we’re determined to reach the largest markets in the world, including the USA, China and Canada.
Our experts
Lucha trenutno posluje na 10+ tržišta, sa ambicijama da se u naredne dve godine proširi i na najveća svetska tržišta poput SAD-a i Kanade.
Dr Predrag
Dr Milan Rajković
Prizes and awards
for the purpose of creating a world in harmony and a constant flow of positive energy, as well as an educational system that will prepare young people to make a full contribution to common health.
Our partners
Lucha trenutno posluje na 10+ tržišta, sa ambicijama da se u naredne dve godine proširi i na najveća svetska tržišta poput SAD-a i Kanade.
Sistem CD
Makroni Electronics
Our partners helped out greatly in developing the Lucha T8 technology lead by engineer Aleksandar Markovic.