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How to be productive when you don’t feel like doing anything

In today’s world of business, for all of those who work, the only thing that is required and expected is high productivity.

But is it really possible for every employee to be productive every day? Of course it is not. We all have ups and downs of our energy levels and productivity, depending on the rhythm of our life. Many people experience a loss of will to work. For many, there are days when they simply don’t feel like doing anything. It happens even to those people who love their jobs.

Here are a few things you can do to make it easier for yourself to turn a lazy day into a productive day.

Start the day in the right way

Start your day with some relaxing music. Waking up with a very loud alarm can be stressful. You can change your alarm to a more calming sound, which is gradually amplified to get your body used to the noise.

When you sleep, your body uses “stored” water supplies. A glass of water immediately in the morning after waking up, not only strengthens your body but also helps stimulate the nervous and digestive systems.

When you get rid of the morning numbness, after waking up, do a few exercises to stimulate circulation. The choice of exercises is up to you.

After introducing these small changes to maintain productivity in your day, make a work plan for that day and write down the most difficult tasks on the top. Simply put, a plan to do harder-bigger tasks first is a process where you “turn bigger into smaller”! And fewer things make it easier to set priorities and increase motivation for productivity that day.

The desire to change is very important

If you are ready for change, if your desire is strong, you will certainly not wait for the perfect moment and perfect conditions to start the action: how to be productive.

The faster you start, the faster you will perform the tasks. The higher your goal, the more you will achieve; if you have a big goal, even if you do not reach that goal which you set, you will achieve much more than you ever dreamed of, if you set a smaller goal.

Tools of productive people

Tools also play an important role in increasing productivity. They serve as an efficient task management. Tasks are things that need to be completed by a certain deadline. For these needs you can use anything that suits you.

You can use paper and pencil, you can use a diary, or sticky notes to manage tasks. The tool is not as important as it is to use it regularly, to write down the things you need to finish and of course, more importantly, to finish them on time. Whatever tool you use, it is important that you believe in it and that it allows you, in a simple way, to set priorities for each day. This is how productive people advise others how to be productive.

Stickers (sticky notes)

Despite the multitude of business-related and note-taking applications available, stickers – or sticky notes – can be a valuable tool for productivity. In fact, note-taking and paper-based task management systems have experienced a revival in recent years as we struggle with technology and the Internet taking over our lives.

Both applications and sticky notes have special advantages and it is possible to combine them into one big productivity system.


Productive people are not born, they build themselves over time. These people use a wide range of tools to achieve their goals and meet life priorities. Diaries in which they write down their goals and tasks help them not to forget their obligations.

Try to adopt this habit of writing down your goals and plans in your diary and your productivity will surely increase. One way to succeed quickly is to start organizing more thoroughly today, every day.

Consciously ignore the urge to procrastinate!

A great way to stop procrastinating at work is to set priorities among your goals. Try to determine 5 things that you have to achieve every day, and then they choose one, which you absolutely have to do first. Choose the biggest and most difficult task.

The idea is to complete that task first, and the rest of the day will be much easier for you. Unfortunately, most of us usually leave that hardest task for the end of the day. However, when we do the hardest thing in the beginning, our self-confidence automatically increases and all other things become even easier for us, knowing that the worst is over.

Are you having a slow day today, and just can’t make yourself do anything productive? Try some of these tips. Start with small steps and count small victories. Instead of sitting and feeling sorry for yourself, because you don’t feel like doing it, do a little thing that no matter how insignificant it may seem, will help you automatically feel as if you have achieved something and push you down the productive path.

Small steps are all you need to succeed. Are you ready?