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Meditation for beginners – how to start meditating?

So, you’ve decided to start taking better care of your health, physical and mental, and you want to try meditation.

But you don’t know how to start with meditation. How to properly meditate? What are the ground rules of meditation? How will you feel and which are its benefits? Lucky for you, the answers to these questions are in this post.

You decided to try out meditation

For all those who are giving meditation a first go, sitting in absolute quiet may sound a bit strange, especially when you are left alone with your thoughts and emotions – being still, while doing nothing can be harder than it sounds. People have been meditating for over 3000 years, and many have felt weird in the beginning.

No matter what the reason for your meditation is – from reducing stress to increasing focus, training your mind through meditation is training your awareness, which has the potential to change your life.

Our whole existence is perceived through our thoughts, and the view you have on life at the moment may drastically change once you’ve started meditating. Meditation is easy to learn and it has very clear techniques and instructions.

What does meditation look like?

Meditation is very popular and there are many techniques for beginners, as well as those who are advanced. We recommend you start with a simple form, and that is exactly what we will further explain.

What to expect of meditation?

Meditation means connecting with wholesomeness, here and now. Sit still, observe, let go of the past and discover the richness of the current moment. While meditating you are in a state in which you don’t let any distractions in and you’re creating space for creativeness and awareness of your thoughts and emotions.

So, what to do next with all those thoughts and emotions? Recognize them, without letting factination or frustration take over, and simply let them return to where they came from, as a lone wave which disappears and returns to the sea.

Right place, right time

The first step is to actually make a habit of meditation, and practice it several times a week. Choose which time best suits you, and start with 10-15 sessions. Also choose which place you will be at, and let it be quiet (a little background noise is okay).

It will take discipline and persistence to keep the habit going, so sticking to the routine will help in adopting the habit of meditation. Many people pair meditation with a routine habit, such as brushing their teeth. A popular time for meditation is early in the morning, but it is completely okay if you prefer to do it at another time during the day, whether it may be morning, noon or evening.

How should you sit?

You can meditate inside or outside, sit on the floor, pillow, bench, stool or whatever you prefer. Beginners find it easier to use a chair, since they are only discovering the world of meditation. Sit upright: back should be straight, the neck relaxed and chin slightly retracted. Rest your arms on your lap or knees.

What to wear?

Whatever you want! The most important thing is that you feel comfortable. If you decide so, you may meditate naked (as long as you’re in the comfort of your own home).

How long does meditation usually last?

How long your meditation will last depends on your preferences, life circumstances and time you have available. When first starting out, the recommended length is around 10 minutes. You can gradually increase it to 15 – 20 minute sessions. If sitting in absolute quiet for 10 minutes sounds a bit too much for you, it’s okay to start with shorter sessions, of 2 – 5 minutes.

What are the benefits of meditation?

Scientifically proven facts about meditation benefits are too good to be ignored. You don’t have to meditate daily to experience positive changes in health and overall happiness.

When we meditate, we are increasing focus, decisiveness and decreasing the feeling of fear and stress. With thorough changes in the way we deal with our thoughts and feelings we can decrease the intensity of emotions that overtake us and experience greater peace, calmness and focus in our lives.

Additional advantages of daily meditations are documented in the range of decreasing anxiety levels and lowering the blood pressure to strengthening the immune system and sleep regulation.

When you’re finished with your ten minute meditation session, smile. Be grateful you chose that path, and put the effort and time in getting in touch with yourself, bettering the quality of your life.

Why learn to meditate?

When we meditate, we are bringing many long term benefits into our lives. The best of all is that you don’t need additional equipment or membership in a fancy gym to meditate.

Five main reasons you should meditate are:

  1. You will understand your pain
  2. You will decrease stress levels
  3. You will connect with yourself
  4. You will increase focus
  5. You will get rid of unnecessary thoughts

Even the sole practice of awareness and being present for several minutes helps with putting things into perspective and rebooting our system. Some people even like to meditate on their lunch break at work or at college, while others like to spend a longer period of time meditating daily.

Meditation is not always easy, or calm. But it has incredible benefits and positive effects and you can start doing it right now, and continue throughout your whole life.