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Self-criticism – why is it important to practice it?

No one has successfully mastered everything in their life and no one walks through life without negative emotions. There is no one who has not strayed from the path and sometimes despaired, criticizing themselves. Self-criticism is a healthy human trait, which is in fact thinking about our behavior: re-examining our own goals and their eventual change.

Self-criticism is healthy because it helps us to achieve greater things in life. Self-criticism – re-examining oneself and one’s behavior, is important and useful, because it gives a better insight into the possible and necessary changes as well as achievements that can be reached.

Self-criticism in a healthy dose!

Self-criticism is often motivated or driven by the feeling of dissatisfaction, or worry, which occur by perceiving the difference between the desired and the current state, in our life. It is important to know what self-criticism is in a healthy dose.

When a person critically evaluates their behavior and considers whether that behavior leads to the desired goal (when analyzing), whether it is in line with their own value system and whether the chosen goals are realistic and acceptable. In small amounts, self-criticism is desirable and very good!

Then, through the path of self-criticism, we realize where we have sinned, how long it took us to return to the previous, safe path. Self-criticism in us is an incentive, to be better for ourselves and to realistically look at things and discover the missing piece of the puzzle. In this way, by rewriting our actions, we can change, correct and adjust them to the desired changes. This is healthy self-criticism!

How to avoid unhealthy self-criticism?

Where is the line between healthy and normal self-criticism, and how to practice self-criticism without it turning into underestimation and belittling, or disrespect for our own qualities?

When things do not go as you imagined, when you don’t achieve the desired goals, you do not act in accordance with the adopted value system, self-depreciation of yourself as a person begins. We accuse ourselves of unwanted outcomes, finding the culprit in our own personality: character, temperament, intelligence.

The truth behind this feeling in you is that you do not have enough confidence in your abilities and you are doing yourself harm. You are stopping your further growth, just because you don’t have enough faith in yourself! For a start, be a friend to yourself, and you will understand that you are not even half as bad as you imposed yourself with self-criticism.

Self-criticism is a great way of learning

Why is it so important? For our success, growth and development, it’s necessary to have a sense of self-criticism, because it helps us learn from experience. When we can objectively observe the mistakes we made, or a behavior we don’t like, which are holding us back from achieving greater things, we have the possibility of changing that undesired behavior.

Self-criticism is useful for our further development! This means that a satisfied person, who nurtures self-criticism, accepts themselves exactly as they are! Such a person is aware that they will change what they can, and accept what cannot be changed. Such a person never questions their value. Self-criticism is a good teacher of our changes through life!

Re-evaluate your attitude

“You are stupid”, “You are incompetent”, “How clumsy you are”, “You have nothing to do with it”, “You always ruin everything” … Often many people address themselves like this, when they’ve done something they shouldn’t have. And what do we get by thinking like this? Nothing, in fact we become even worse! Self-criticism includes various labels which we stick to ourselves, and they  keep us stuck, because we mostly play on our abilities, with wrong attitudes about ourselves.

Instead of addressing the exact behavior which we disapprove of, the actions we do wrong – we criticize our abilities. By doing this, people often end up having a lack of self-confidence, become insecure, feel guilty, etc. These mistakes in the way of thinking are often passed on to our children (when we address them), taking away their confidence! So take a good look at your attitude and re-evaluate it!

Remind yourself, which values are the most important to you?

It’s good to lean towards higher goals, success and better results. In order to achieve your goals, you must work on your confidence. Focus your thoughts on your values, success you have had until now, about things you are good at and can do great. Focus on your abilities.

If you’ve failed once, that doesn’t mean you’re bad, your day just wasn’t good enough for you to shine.

Why is self-criticism important?

The shortest answer: is it necessary, so one could change their behavior or goals which they chose. To succeed in that you must be a greatest friend to yourself. And remember that no one can make you feel less valuable without your consent. Practice on forgiveness to yourself, for all the mistakes you’ve made. Cheer yourself, with faith in yourself, without negative thoughts or expectations that are too high. Self-confidence comes through discipline and practice, as well as a wish to change yourself for the better.