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What are chakras, how many are there and what are their colors?

In the world of our existence, it is not possible to see everything with our own eyes. Beyond the boundaries of the visible, apparent world, there are invisible, psychoenergetic centers, known as CHAKRAS.

The meaning of chakras – what are chakras and what’s their role?

What are chakras? The word “chakra” in the ancient Indian, the Sanskrit language means wheel or vortex. Chakras are the centers of energy and consciousness in the human body. Chakras are responsible for the physical, mental and emotional processes in the human body.

In Eastern medicine and philosophy, which long ago, before the West, discovered that EVERYTHING is ENERGY, chakras, or energy centers, have been established and recognized for thousands of years. Chakras are not material, anatomically provable centers, but vortices of energy, human auras.

Chakras are the key points that receive energy, in order for the physical body to live. It is through these centers, the healing energies, that they are directed towards the diseased areas of the body, in order to achieve a state of balance, or health, or to understand the meaning of the chakras.

Chakras have three main functions:

  1. To revive the physical body
  2. To lead to the development of self-awareness
  3. To transfer spiritual energy, in order to bring a person into the state of a spiritual being.

How many chakras are there?

Although there are several of them, the 7 main chakras are most often spoken of. They rotate at high speed in a clockwise direction and transform energy.

  1. Muladhara – a point in the area of the root of the spine, lying at the beginning of the pelvis and on the physical level, this chakra is responsible for proper functioning and is connected to the rectum and the body’s release of toxins and adrenal glands, which means it controls the pelvis and kidneys. It affects the amount of physical energy and will to live we have, ie. by preservation, survival, and landing.
  2. Swadhisthana – the point of the lower abdomen; It lies above the genitals, about three fingers below the navel. It affects primarily our emotional life, but as it is related to the reproductive organs, it also affects the ability to give birth, our actions, learning and creation.
  3. Manipura – the chakra lies in the area of the stomach, in the solar plexus. It affects our consciousness and linear way of thinking. It is associated with the pancreas, stomach, liver, bile and nervous system. The third chakra allows for a sense of connection between the material and etheric bodies.
  4. Anahata – This chakra is located in the area of the heart, behind the sternum and is connected to the thymus, which significantly affects the immune system. Love is the foundation of this chakra.
  5. Vishuddha – a point in the throat area Divine love. It lies at the base of the throat and is associated with a higher form of divine will and the power of the word. It acts on the thyroid gland, controls metabolism, the bronchial system and vocal cords, lungs and digestive organs.
  6. Ajna – a point in the area of the forehead; It is also known as the third eye, or the eye of wisdom. It is associated with universal love. It lies above the root of the nose, in the middle. It is connected to the pituitary gland and controls the work of other glands with internal secretion, cerebellum, nose, eyes and nervous system. It affects intuition, the ability of paranormal seeing, memory and the ability to visualize, as well as the ability to realize ideas.
  7. Sahasrara – a point on the top of the head. The seventh chakra carries enlightenment, piety and the culmination of the light energy of consciousness. It lies on top of her head, just behind her scalp. It is associated with a higher mind, knowledge and integration of mind and body. It corresponds to the pineal gland and controls the cerebrum, nervous and muscular system, skin. The seventh chakra is the chakra of spirituality. Through it we come into contact with our higher selves, channeling energy from the Universe.

Colors of chakras

All chakras have their colors. The colors of the chakra are harmonized with the basic colors of the sun’s light spectrum. These are her vibrations.

Colors of chakras:

  1. Muladhara is red. The color of life, strength, resilience and courage;
  2. Swadhisthana is orange. The color of emotion, pleasure, youth and health;
  3. Manipura is lemon yellow. The color of lightness, smiles and the ability to overcome difficulties;
  4. Anahata is green. The color of love;
  5. Vishuddha is light blue. The color of creativity and expression;
  6. Ajna is dark blue. The color of wisdom, logic, good memory;
  7. Sahasrara is purple. The color of the cosmos, spirituality and the pursuit of consciousness. Divine Mind

Chakra colors can be used in healing. If you want to treat a specific energy center, such as the heart center, you should use green.

Chakra cleansing

How to perform chakra cleansing? How to make cosmic energy flow exactly in the body, from the top of the head to the toes and vice versa? Chakra cleansing is done with the mind, concentration, thoughts and emotions.

Set yourself a task: Concentrate on one chakra, working with color and sound, and direct love there. Meditation is one of the fastest ways to cleanse the chakras as well as yoga.

Opening of chakras

Opening the chakras is actually very simple, concentration and visualization are essential. The simplest exercise for opening the chakras is to sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight. Close your eyes, imagine a certain chakra, and visualize how its front side rotates clockwise, its backside also clockwise, but rotates counterclockwise in relation to each other.

Chakra’s meaning or chakra’s role is the awareness of the nature of our being and every way of existence and action, which is represented by a certain chakra. By sanctifying her unconscious work.